DISCLAIMER WEBSITE DISCLAIMER The information provided by EVL Productions Inc (“we,” “us”, or “our”) on https://evlworld.com (the “Site”) is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site. UNDER […]
https://makersplace.com/ ernivales
LES in My New Style
I know its been a very long while since my last newsletter, and don’t worry I wont be boring you with any details, but I am happy to say I will resume my updates again and release a newsletter for each new painting I complete or any cool projects I am working on. I’m quite […]
Art Basel Miami 2016. Art and Soul
Art Basel has descended on myself, and my team for the 7th time now and I have several quick words to describe it. Exhausting, colorful, energetic, amazing. As the years passed the heart of Basel in Miami has changed, well actually I can only speak of Wynwood since I rarely get to venture far from […]
ReMixed Series #2: Flight of Fantasy, Remixed, Remastered
Here is a perfect example of just why I am doing this series. When I first set out on this fantastical, mythological zebra/Pegasus/unicorn I totally intended for her to be completely ethereal, something that would just exist in memory but I got caught up in painting her to be somewhat real and many times when […]
ReMixed Series: #1 Murder of Thieves
ReMixed. A series of paintings with all good idea and intention just somehow missed the mark. Sometimes being prolific isn’t the best thing, and some works deserve a second chance. #1 Murder of Thieves I still love the concept and sense of dread that comes with the Raven, the Crow. This black bird that symbolizes […]
ReMixed Series Started. $
ReMixed. A series of paintings with all good idea and intention just somehow missed the mark. Sometimes being prolific isn’t the best thing, and some works deserve a second chance. “$” From the origami inspired series. I still wish I could origami graffiti letters for real, how cool would that be. I can however imagine […]
Blackbook Series, Part I
I’ve been contemplating the writing of my second book, the follow up to An Unusual Journey for just a bit about 35 years now. Let me ‘splain. Every graffiti artist starts with his blackbook. A hardcover sketchbook that has become synonymous to graffiti aspirers even as of today. Way back around 1981 I had several […]
All things Erni
Welcome one and welcome all to my newly, revamped, reworked and re-imagined 2016 EVLworld and all things Erni newsletter! (mild applause haha). The theme for this newsletter is procrastination, since I have been putting it off for years, it seems, but no longer will I deprive my friends of important, well maybe in the scheme […]
The EVLworld groweth! EVLWORLD meets Jaco, Costa Rica
Around 8 years ago I began this artistic adventure, first in Wynwood (Miami’s Art District for those that still haven’t heard of Wynwood) and I’m proud to announce our first growth beyond there. Jaco, Costa Rica will be the 2nd home of EVLworld. How does a thing like this happen you may ask? Or probably […]
My Spray Can Tour part 1. with Stern Rockwell March.2016 A.S.I.A. Hong Kong was the “business” side of my Asian adventure trip 2016. 4 weeks of travel, 3 major destinations with 3 others slipped in for kicks and fucket list scratch offs. Having grown up in Chinatown NYC I have a strong fondness to […]
Biters & Baloney
I want to apologize for my delay in this follow up. I have been traveling a bunch and haven’t had the time to really get into this until now. When I last left off, I believe I was accusing Annie Preece AKA Love Annie, a street artist from LA, and her cohort Justin Bua of basically stealing, or as I’m used to saying, outright biting my style for their own profit.
So You Wanna Be a Rock Star?
My dear sweet Wynwood, what can i say, you’ve come such a long way. I barely recognize you now. Just 2 years ago we were hanging out and you barely had a change of wardrobe, your streets were dirty, you never shaved, and somehow, you always managed to keep me safe – you had a […]
Patriotism and Plagiarism
For over 3 decades I have been known to create many styles through my graffiti, paintings and murals. I’d use any medium: spray paint, airbrush, paint brush, oils, acrylics, even Photoshop – my tools to develop my styles. Neither the tools, nor the surface mattered – paper, canvas, brick, steel or screen – the only […]
Colab NYC!
I think I have been doing CoLab for over 1 year I’d say, in my gallery in Miami but since my downsizing in January I had to bid a silent farewell to Colab. CoLab needs space, a lot of space and when I hosted it in Miami I was able to run a seamless sheet […]