
A & D Style

This is a topic very close to my heart. A topic, time and place all very close and dear to me. Art and Design high school and those years I spent there, mostly cutting classes to hang in the lunch room then having to make them all up because my spiteful butt refused to transfer […]


“I love the smell of aerosol in the morning!”

I remember when I moved to Wynwood in winter, 2010, winter being a very loose term in Miami. Stints in LA, Chicago and the start of a recession that forced me from NYC were the main catalysts of my southern migration.

Miami, for me really became the Magic city in all aspects of the term. I had been searching for a place with energy, excitement and an overall appreciation for urban arts and I found all that and more there.

3D Graffiti

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First of all, let me just say, yes, I am the originator of the popular 3D style of graffiti. Graffiti artists were always trying to get their pieces to literally “bounce” from the walls. Most every piece ever done up until mine in 1993 had similar formulas.

Style Pt. 2

I was raised in lower Manhattan, semi catholic, semi Puerto Rican, and from my meager upbringings I now know I was destined to become someone very semi to super boring. Little did I know I was on a course for a creative adventure of a lifetime! I was to become a graffiti artist, professionally where […]

One Love

Wouldn’t be amazing if all the worlds conflict could be settled through passion. Can you imagine a world where one nation, who is so angry at another nation that they want to murder its children just stopped for a moment, and took a second to try the food, to see the art, to hear their […]

Run Stupid

Pop Art Graffiti, Original Graffiti Art, Graffiti Pop Art, Pop Art Original, Original Pop Art, Buy Graffiti Art

Only in America folks, only in America. For years now i have been noticing that, mostly on American cars, not so much the foriegn ones but definitely on American that when yo open the trunk you would fing this little moniker. Its actually a glow in the dark pull release that opens the trunk from […]


Recently I have had the misfortune to having to re-assess some of my friendships that I thought had already stood the test of time, some more than several decades old, relationships that I really believed to be completely solid but seems I was mistaken and what I thought was deep, mature relationships was in reality […]

“Tribute Hall” at Tippling Hall, Chicago

I must confess, I was very excited when my partners at the new Tippling Hall spot in Chicago gave me free reign in the long corridor that leads to the restrooms. They wanted me to just throw down some old school graffiti, make it entertaining was all they asked because the corridor is long. The […]

Blogournal – Basel 2014 Edition

The Art Basel celebration that invades, takes over and dominates the first week of December in Miami has finally passed! We made the mistake in thinking it was over yesterday, but holy shitsnacks, there was still another full day to run through! Luckily, I was able to see the Scope show which had been moved […]

Ricoh Graph Graff Expo, Chicago, 2012

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Graffiti names done live at the Ricoh Solutions booth during the 2012 Graph Expo. In the middle of super copiers and technology, there I was, armed with just a bunch of markers! I drew almost 200 names in the 4 days there, and had a great time doing it.