
A New Journey

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In 2010 I went on a personal creative mission first by opening a gallery shop in Wynwood, Miami, the new urban art capital of the planet and in that shop setting out to paint 13 paintings a month for 13 months, 169 in all. In this blog I will post as many of those paintings […]


Cristina 1996 This is the first of what was to become a series using a more vandalized, deteriorated painting style on my painting. It began as a portrait of what would become a very very X-girlfriend, It looked amazing just like her, no naturally i had to vandalize it! It became more my own than […]

May 2012 Art Walk

May 13th, Miami. After a whirlwind month (almost a month) juggling my exhibit and pop up shop at Chelsea Market, murals at the 2 NYC Mercadito restaurants and another private residential mural with my dysfunctional family i found myself too wiped out to even attempt any new paintings back in Miami so i decided to […]

Peace Piece: A Timelapse

A timelapse “behind the scenes” of my piece, Peace, for my “Unusual Journey” series. Enjoy!

GraffNoir Review Part 4

Part 4 of my video miniseries reviewing the pieces I created for my Graffiti Noir show, as part of my “Unusual Journey”. Enjoy!

GraffNoir Review Part 3

Part 3 of my video miniseries reviewing the pieces I created for my Graffiti Noir show, as part of my “Unusual Journey”. Enjoy!

GraffNoir Review Part 2

Part 2 of my video miniseries reviewing the pieces I created for my Graffiti Noir show, as part of my “Unusual Journey”. Enjoy!

GraffNoir Review part 1

Part 1 of my video miniseries reviewing the pieces I created for my Graffiti Noir show, as part of my “Unusual Journey”. Enjoy!