
Love and Hate

Weather you did it to someone, or someone did it to you, we have felt the sting, the pinch and the joy of love. From friends, from family, loved or not the deepest cuts always come from love!

Panda Pet, 2011

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The I’m not completely comfortable in my own skin feeling is a theme that I have explored several times in “An Unusual Journey” I think many viewers of my paintings can relate to the wanting to the change their skin theme. I believe that’s why this had become one of the more popular pieces and […]


Mine mine mine mine all mine mine mine mine. Harumph!

Bimini Crickets!

We set out really early on Friday morning, Ft. Lauderdale to Bimini, Bahamas was the plan. It being my first time on a small boat that I actually knew everyone on boat (I think my last boating experience was on the Staten Island Ferry) so I was really excited. Well that excitement quickly turned to […]

Clockwork, 2011

It’s very important , before going wilding, causing mayhem, destroying property, to always drink your milk. If you have seen the movie you know exactly what the reference is for this painting!

Leather and Lace Twins. 2011

The blurbs I wrote for the first show of “An Unusual Journey” were very short and sweet, I was still not thinking how all the dialog and text would come together, I was so consumed with getting into a real painting rhythm that I wasn’t thinking the blurbs completely through. These are the Leather and […]

Ammo Bunny, 2011

Ammo Bunny was the 5th character, the inspiration came actually from the character on the shooting range poster. (I believe his name was Ralph and he has been retired for a more generic character, seems not only humans are losing jobs but fictitious characters too). I wanted a character in this Misfit series to be […]


Or as I like to refer to this as my self-portrait, if I were 3ft tall. And chased by police and stuff. Furry too!


Just how much trouble can a 3’ tall bear really get into? Lots it seems. Actually the idea of a mugshot teddy bear came from Red, the image immediately popped into my head,the number on his ID plate is actually my birthdate! 2008-2010 was when I was really thinking about a lot of these new […]

The World is Yours

A leopard can’t change his spots, but sometimes she wouldn’t need too! All one needs is confidence and individuality. It’s a theme I have used in several paintings, the uncomfortable in my own skin theme and I would wear the stripes of another animal. I don’t know exactly what fascinates me about this theme but […]


“Teddy” 2011 The idea for Teddy came simply enough from concepts I was creating for a mural in Pacha NYC. The legendary nightclub though turned out to be very conservative and though the fetish bear was too much for their image, I always felt that there was something very hysterical about the combining of teddy […]


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Esplanade 1999 Esplanade, 180 st. station in the Bronx was the spot I “allegedly”  painted many many a subway car. You could stand on these massive concrete “tombs” (as we called them) and lean way over to reach the top of the subway car to paint it, having subway keys,“allegedly” would allow us to turn […]


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This piece came after Tyson and Christina when I was starting to get really into this darker more emotional style and I began leaving the painted image behind in favor of a more classic graffiti icon, the arrow. I also began using more different tags, in the styles of the taggers that inspired them to […]

Style, No Clearance

Here is the culmination of the vandalizing and 3D style merging into one canvas, with authentic tags from Smith and Revs and my wild “Style” piece (read sideways from bottom to top) I reached the pinnacle of what this particular journey would bring me too. This happens often and its usually where I embark on […]