
Chicago Quadritos

Quadritos are little 4′ x 4″ wooden squares installed 1.5″ apart from each other on a brick wall in the restaurant Mercadito, in Chicago. The art on these quadritos is loosely based on the eagle and serpent emblem on the flag of Mexico. I love this piece so much I really wanted to recreate a digital piece of art for it. Each quadrito was painted using a circle-pixilated style for the serpent and a square pixilation for the eagle that together combine to create the whole. Up close each wooden panel is its own tiny abstract painting but the sum of all the parts together create the serpent and eagle visible only from a distance! If you cant see the snake and eagle, try blurring your vision a little. It’s really there!

Part of “Pixel Dust” Show

Chicago Quadritos

Quadritos are little 4′ x 4″ wooden squares installed 1.5″ apart from each other on a brick wall in the restaurant Mercadito, in Chicago. The art on these quadritos is loosely based on the eagle and serpent emblem on the flag of Mexico. I love this piece so much I really wanted to recreate a digital piece of art for it. Each quadrito was painted using a circle-pixilated style for the serpent and a square pixilation for the eagle that together combine to create the whole. Up close each wooden panel is its own tiny abstract painting but the sum of all the parts together create the serpent and eagle visible only from a distance! If you cant see the snake and eagle, try blurring your vision a little. It’s really there!

Part of “Pixel Dust” Show

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