Blackbook Series, Part I
I’ve been contemplating the writing of my second book, the follow up to An Unusual Journey for just a bit about 35 years now. Let me ‘splain. Every graffiti artist starts with his blackbook. A hardcover sketchbook that has become synonymous to graffiti aspirers even as of today. Way back around 1981 I had several […]
New York Subway Graffiti – Reportage (UK)
A classic video (albeit lo-fi) of the UK program Reportage talking about the death of New York subway graffiti. (Sorry for the quality!)
SQ25- 25 years in the mix
For the 25 year retrospective of graffiti legend Erni Vales, Bruno Levy created this video, animating some of my old black book drawings to songs by Scott Hardkiss and Sara Walker. Thanks, Bruce!